Published Creative Nonfiction Stories
Sixteen Summers, I Speak from my Palms Anthology
Skinny Dip, Lion Hearted Anthology
A Mountain Can't be Denied, Fairhaven Literary Review Number 1
It's a Matter of Perspective, Rays Road Review
The Open Wound, The Teacher's Voice Journal
Shattered, KYSO Flash Anthology
The Balance of Breath, GFT Presents: One in Four Anthology
Brush Dance, The Meadow
Seeds, The Raven's Perch
Some Days, GFT Presents One in Four Anthology
The Sound of Snow, NatureWriting
Green: After Five Years of Drought, Nature Writing
Sierra Nights Remembered, Nature Writing
Resurrection, Boomer Cafe
Lessons in the Wind, NatureWriting
Wild Salmon, KYSO Flash Anthology
Mother's Arms, Door is Ajar
Still Running, NatureWriting
Galadriel's Daughter, One in Four Anthology
Home Spun, Boomer Cafe
Wild Lovers, NatureWriting
Revisions, Diverse Minds Anthology
The Warm, Diverse Minds Anthology
The Neurologist, The Offbeat Magazine
Ghost Pirates, Diverse Minds Anthology
Scattered, Diverse Minds Anthology
Holding on, Holding Tight, Ravens Perch
Embers, Hippocampus Magazine (A Rumpus Magazine recommended read)
After the Swim, Ravens Perch
Snow After Fire, Wordrunner Chapbook Anthology
Off Grid and Grateful, Boomer Cafe
Ephemeral, Bright Flash Literary Review
Loops, The Raven’s Perch
The Horses, Bluebird Word
The Plan, Bright Flash Literary Review
Before it Turns to Ash,
The Kitchen Window
The Interloper,
Reminiscence, The Bluebird Word
Are Those Real Indians?, California English
Writing for Common Core, EDSITE
PSA film “Dancing inJustice," Indian Country Today
Stand Strong Debuts at Native American Music Awards, American Indian Reporter
Lorenza Garcia's French Film Documentary in Paradise, CA, Chico News & Review
Pow Wow article, Modoc and More
Warrior Women Workbook for Young Native Woman, in collaboration with Dr. April Lea Go Forth
Northwest Indian Gold Rush Curriculum, in collaboration with Dr. April Lea Go Forth
Kandi Maxwell