I wasn’t always tired or ill. For sixty years, I led a furious-fast-paced life and knew, with certainty, that there was something wrong with other people. Why did they move so damn slow?
This was me in the “before”—hyper-energetic—a lover of tough, physical challenges: rock climbing, mountaineering, backpacking, and backcountry skiing. But that changed. At sixty years old, I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Syndrome—later came a mini-stroke. My story Snow After Fire begins with my struggle to adapt to a different way of living. But my health issues played just a fraction of the challenges to come.
The Paradise Camp Fire in November of 2018 brought horrendous devastation—around 30,000 people lost their homes and 153,335 acres were burned by the wildfire. Eighty-six people died. The fire not only hurt the individuals who had lost their homes, it also created upheaval for many families who took on the burden of caring for their loved ones. The fire caused displacement for my two grown sons and my granddaughters. When my sons discovered their home was demolished, they came to stay with my husband and I. Since my granddaughters and their mother had lost their home, too, and there was no longer a school, my granddaughters stayed with us a few days a week to relieve the stress of living in crowded motel rooms. The busy days had taken a toll on my health—energy waned. I felt conflicted. How much of myself could I give up for my family?
My journey moves through a four-year time span—2018 through 2022, as I travel through illness, fire, the frightening challenges of COVID-19, the death of my parents, and the emotional anguish I felt from the loss of my most cherished refuge—the forests and wilderness I called home.
For as long as I could remember, my spiritual home has been the sanctuary of nature. There, I find the inner strength to somehow prevail. How would I survive if our wild lands were destroyed?
Eventually, my sons and granddaughters moved into FEMA trailers, and vaccines provided some relief from COVID-19, but the hits didn’t end. In 2021, the FEMA camps closed, new COVID variants arrived, and fires devoured more of our hinterlands. I would need to flow like a river to overcome a new reality of unknowns, a difficult task for one inclined to fight the current and maintain control.
Snow After Fire is published by Legacy Books Press and available wherever books are sold.
Full disclosure: I met Kandi several years ago at the Surprise Valley Writers Conference. I was wowed there by the warmth and agility and insight of her writing. This book not only showcases that talent, it captures Kandi's spirit: deeply rooted, joyful, generous, and tenacious. It's a book about how to survive fire (time and time again) and how to navigate loss, yes, and also how to love deeply family and friends and forests and animals and, well, life itself.
5 Stars -Review from Good Reads
Ana Maria Spagna, Award Winning Author
”Expertly paced and finely crafted, Snow After Fire features strong writing and a masterful command of the language. Nimble pacing and an articulate first person voice will propel this extraordinary story of courage, resilience, loyalty, and love off the page and into your heart." 3.5 Stars -Review from Reedsy
Kristine L. Reviewer
Honesty From the Soul
If there ever were a book with honesty, this is the one. Kandi Maxwell, author of Snow After Fire, writes honestly about her marriage, her illness, and the grief experienced when both sons' houses are demolished by the devastating Paradise (CA) fire. At that time, she housed her sons' families, which seemed like the only choice, yet added to the strife of her debilitating illness and her relationship with her husband.
Maxwell's writing is superb as it flows from one thought to another and as she sets scenes with details (beautiful nature writing) and emotion. Challenge upon challenge has been the mantra of Maxwell's life when she writes: "A small flame of hope would flicker, only to be quenched by a spit of snow."
For anyone who wants to learn about living "off grid," or how to cope with illness or the loss of one's parents, or what it's like to be on evacuation alert (fires are always a threat in CA), or how to rise above catastrophe time and time again, this book is for you. It is eloquent, poetic, thoughtful, inspiring, and "real." Snow after Fire is a tour de force.
5 Stars Amazon Books
Eve Quesnel
Quesnel writes essays on the flora and fauna of the Sierra in her column "Nature's Corner." for the Tahoe newspaper, Moonshine Ink. Her newest essay collection will be published by University Nevada Press in 2025.
Kandi Maxwell fulfills authorship through a balance of elements from her life, traditions, family and perseverance to interweave a story with visual descriptors that deliver captivating accounts of ups and downs, setbacks and accomplishment–disruptions she has lived–that uniquely link us to her experiences. Her expressions inspire acceptance that each event is actually part of the Circle. There is a good feeling in the 'read'; a refreshing outcome in a new style.
-Amazon Review
I was struck by the author's comfortable writing style and by the main character's courage in the face of daunting challenges. This novel highlights infrastructure weaknesses in our society, as well as the importance of family loyalty. The setting focusses on the Paradise Camp Fire, as well as on the beauty and challenge of living in rural, northeastern California.
5 Stars -Amazon Books
Bruce Tozier
A family story that played on my emotions. A story full of struggles in dealing with complex problems, as well as reminding us of the covid-19 pandemic which was really very disturbing. This book was like giving strength to survive.
4 Stars - Net Galley Reviewer
"My heart drops when I take in the scenery," Kandi Maxwell writes, some four years after the Camp Fire. "Paradise is scarred. It will take years to heal the landscape, and much of the geography has been changed forever. It's soul crushing." "The fire sets into motion a chain of family events recounted with skill and compassion in "Snow After Fire: A Memoir Of The Paradise Camp Fire And Its Aftermath." Maxwell realizes "writing was my way to find clarity in an often-confusing world. It provided structure to my messy emotions. It allowed me time to reflect and to discover something to be thankful for during the chaos. It was, and is, how I find hope." Readers will sense that hope, and celebrate as well.
-The Biblio File, Chico Enterprise Record
DAN BARNETT, Book Columnist
No Frills This is a no frills account of the devastation and destruction that our California forest fires have caused. From the smallest of life's details to the largest catastrophes Kandi's work puts you in the moment. It has you seeing and feeling life's dilemmas and what real people have had to endure. Skillfully written, it's a quick and easy read. Must Read.
5 stars -Barnes & Noble
Casual Reader
- Review on Reedsy
Celebrate Snow After Fire's publication date with me on June 6th. More events and updates to come. Stay tuned!
Barnes & Nobles
Celebrate Snow After Fire release with a reading, discussion, & book signing Saturday June 10th at noon.
Barnes & Nobles
Four Eyed Frog Bookstore Gualala, CA
We invite you to Four Eyed Frog Bookstore in Gualala, CA to meet and talk with author Kandi Maxwell about her new book Snow After Fire.
Four Eyed Frog Bookstore Gualala, CA
Vets Memorial Hall, 554 Rio Lindo Ave, Chico
Kandi Maxwell will demonstrate how to create the elements and information needed to create a personal author media kit that provides concret...
Vets Memorial Hall, 554 Rio Lindo Ave, Chico
Coming November 4th—
Author Stephany Wilkes interviews Kandi Maxwell about her book Snow After Fire: A Climate Memoir of the Camp Fire. Look ...
Kandi Maxwell